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Trying to Lose Weight? Try A Change in Perspective

Nicole Williams

Making changes is hard, especially when the change you want to see is a big one! When trying to lose weight, its easy to get bogged down by all the messaging coming at you. “Try this new diet!”, “Take this pill”, “Exercise 3 times a week”, “Exercise 30 minutes a day”, “Cut out carbs”, “Eat less fat”, “Eat more healthy fats”, the list goes on and on. All of this mixed messaging can be quite confusing. Of course, we all can get stuck feeling like we don’t know where to start. We talk to our doctors, ask our friends and family for advice, read blogs, watch infomercials and are constantly inundated with social media ads and streams. Many of us start with dieting and pills. They give the promise of a quick and easy solution to a difficult and emotional issue. Unfortunately for many, the promise is never fully realized and if it is, it doesn’t last. This leaves us in a never-ending cycle of ping-ponging weight gains and losses. The cycle usually works something like this: Start a diet, see results, the diet ends, weight gain begins, try a new diet. From this cycle we conclude this diet, or these pills didn’t work, and we try another. The truth is most diets are not designed to provide lasting results. They are designed to provide the results they claim to provide, in the allotted time frame, as described in their advertising or on the product packaging. What does this really mean to you? It means, in order to make the results of your diet stick, the diet itself must stick. It means you cannot go back to your old way of eating or living if you like your new body. All of the changes you made during the ‘30-day diet’ must become permanent. That is hard to hear, and even harder to do!

Many of us have been eating the same way most of our lives. At some point in our adulthood, there comes a time when we realize we need to make a change. This usually comes at a point when we are either unhappy with our bodies, or our bodies are unhappy with us. In other words, we don’t feel good about how our bodies look and feel, or our bodies start to show signs of illness. The question becomes ‘what do I do’? When we choose a trendy diet or the newest pill on the market, we are deciding on a temporary solution to a long-term problem. Most people wouldn’t say they went to sleep physically fit and healthy one night and woke up overweight and unhealthy the next morning. It happened slowly and over time. So, shouldn’t we accept that if it took us some time to get here, it is going to take us some time to get back to where we feel happy and healthy? It’s a hard pill to swallow but it’s worth it if we want to see lasting effects!

Change is hard because we get comfortable in our ways. It is made even more difficult by our refusal to accept its necessity. It can be challenging to break out of our comfort zones. But if these comforting habits have somehow led us to an unfit or unhealthy lifestyle then we have to do something about it.

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